Product 1: 88 note, velocity-sensitive semi-weighted keyboard
Product 1: 8 hyper-sensitive backlit pads
Product 1: Mac, PC and iOS Compatible
Product 1: Software instruments automatically Mapped to controls
Product 2: Heavy duty double-x metal construction ensures extra stability for heavy and light digital electronic keyboards
Product 2: Quick-release mechanism allows the user to adjust the height, from 4 – 38 in; compared to most other stands which only permit five set positions
Product 2: No assembly needed; metal parts are welded together, and no screws to lose
Product 2: High strength support straps attached to keyboard stand secure the keyboard from movement during performance
B08R5ZQMPF Nektar, 88-Key (Impact LX88+) & RockJam Xfinity Heavy-Duty, Double-X, Pre-Assembled, Infinitely Adjustable Piano Keyboard Stand with Locking Straps
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