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??2??VR View??omplete 360 immersion with a wide 112 degree field of view. High quality and precision technology ensure your best experience. Flying through the Alps, watching a film with a far-off friend and employing the superpowers of your game’s character-your world just got infinitely bigger.
??tereo Headset??he vr headsets built-in high quality headphones contributes to immersive visual and auditory experience by simply plugging the 3.5mm jack in your smartphone.
??omfortable Wearing??nnovative magnetically detachable T-shape cover and T-shape belt adjustment makes the wearing more stable and comfortable. The 3D glasses with soft PU leather patch and ABS material would prevent heat and stuffy in long time use.
??ide Compatibility??he 3D vr headset fits for almost all smartphones within 4.0-6.4 inch.
??ultifunctional Buttons??he virtual reality headset could perfectly fit for various kind of eye distance by adjusting the pupil distance and focal distance. The object/pupil distance can be adjusted to get clearest view without your own glasses.
B08DKZRBM9 Pillows-RJF vr Headset VR Headset,Virtual Reality Headset,VR Glasses,VR Goggles-for 3D VR Movies Video Games,Compatible & All Android Smartphone
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