BEST VALUE FOR DATA, VOICE, & TEXT: 400 Iridium GO! Data Minutes, 200 Voice Minutes, or 1,200 Text or SMS messages or combination thereof. Valid globally, 6-month expiry. (Iridium GO! device not included.) Activate within 1 year of purchase.
HASSLE-FREE ONLINE ACTIVATION & REFILL, 24/7: Activate & refill online 24/7 in real-time with BlueCosmo. No activation fee or monthly access fee. Airtime and minutes are valid for activation within one year of purchase.
USE MORE DATA AND VOICE MINUTES: The best value for data and voice use with lower burn rates compared to other cards.
INCLUDES VOICEMAIL & TWO-STAGE INCOMING CALLING SERVICES: Convenient features from BlueCosmo make it easy to pick up voicemail from missed calls, and less expensive for contacts to call your Iridium satellite number.
REFILLABLE: When refilled, any unused minutes carry forward, the expiry date is automatically extended and you retain your original Iridium phone number.
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Category: Uncategorized
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