Cup Diameter (First number in label): cups range from shallow to deep in numeric order from low to high Cup Volume (First letter in label): volume ranges from A to E from small to large – A: Small; B: Medium-Small; C: Medium (Standard); D: Medium-Large; E: Large Rim Contour (Second number in label): rims range from roundest to slightly rounded in numeric order from low to high – 1: Roundest; 2: Simi-Round; 3: Standard; 4: Semi-Flat; 5: Slightly Rounded Backbore (Last letter in label)
The knowledge of these concepts and how they work are behind the design of each Schilke mouthpiece to assist the player in selecting the mouthpiece that improves their sound
Schilke Mouthpiece Numbering SystemsThe Schilke method of mouthpiece labeling has been designed to assist the student, teacher, amateur and professional in selecting a mouthpiece to meet the needs of the player
All mouthpieces come with standard rim shapes, cup volumes, and backbores unless shown otherwise on the mouthpieces
B008T3MINW Schilke Standard Series Trumpet Mouthpiece Group I In Silver 12B4 Silver
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