Ready to activate on your required date with LATAM 300 units valid for 180 days, equivalent to 200 voice minutes.
No charge for incoming voice calls and text messages. Outgoing calls to any global landline or mobile phone can be made at a flat rate per minute.
Unit Burn Rates: 1.5 Units = 1 Outgoing Voice Minute & 0.60 Units = 1 Outgoing SMS
Inmarsat IsatPhone allows you to make and receive voice calls, SMS, track your position with GPS from almost anywhere on the globe.
SIM card can be activated on a future date, simply select your activation date using our online activation request form.
B077WXFVYK Inmarsat IsatPhone Prepaid SIM Card with 300 Units LATAM (200 Minutes) Valid for 180 Days
Category: Uncategorized
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