??ireless Charging Convenience??nstantly charge your karaoke mics simply by placing them in the center of charging pad. Never fuss around with plugging and unplugging cables again, just set down and power up.
??rue 360??Stereo Sound??ith dual speakers of crisp 360?? HD Sound, for an unmatched listening experience. If that?? not enough, you can adjust the button of Bass/ Treble/ Reverb for the mics, the speaker delivers immersive sound with rich bass, mids and highs,dynamic sound, for true high-definition surround karaoke sound that will blow you away.
??luetooth 5.0 Technology& Easy Pairing??dopting the most advanced Bluetooth 5. 0 technology. It can connect normally under difficult conditions and the signal is not disturbed.Antenna design with Bluetooth 5.0 provides greater wireless range 100ft and efficient connection to Bluetooth cell phone or devices.It can not only connect laptop, phone, MP3, iPhone,iPad, but also personal computer, TV or other non-Bluetooth device with 3.5mm audio jacks.
??upport Duet Mode??ne device such as smartphones can be paired with 2 mics at the same time. Supporting singing with lyrics or accompaniment. Play from the karaoke speaker through Bluetooth, TF Card, Aux Cable. Advanced noise reduction technology will ensure quality, crystal clear sound.
??onger Battery Playtime??he karaoke Wireless microphone built-in 3000mA lithium battery, can last for up to 10 hours playing time between charges and it?? fully recharged in under 3 hours! There is a perfect protective case for karaoke mic, you can carry it anytime& anywhere.
B08L9DF8WK Wireless Microphone, Bluetooth 5.0 Karaoke Rechargeable Dynamic Mic System Set with Dual Powerful Speakers, Charging Base (Gold)
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